052324 Sham Border Vote 
VIDEO:  Senator Hyde-Smith Slams Sham Vote Intended to Deflect Attention Away from Biden, Democrats’ Border Crisis

WASHINGTON, D.C. – U.S. Senator Cindy Hyde-Smith (R-Miss.), a member of the Senate Homeland Security Appropriations Subcommittee, today issued the following statement in advance of a scheduled 1 p.m. (Central) vote on a flawed border bill that already failed in the Senate in February:

“No one should be fooled by Senator Schumer’s sham border security vote.  It’s a cynical ploy to try to deflect public attention away from President Biden’s ongoing and avoidable border crisis and to shield congressional Democrats who have aided and abetted in creating a crisis that has permitted almost 10 million illegal immigrants to enter our nation.

“I’m all for securing our borders and reforming our legal immigration processes.  Biden’s border crisis is a national security, economic, and humanitarian mess that deserves thoughtful, constructive ideas, not political gimmicks.  This vote is nothing more than an attempt to distract from all the other votes where Democrats have avoided doing anything tangible to combat illegal immigration and secure our borders.”

Hyde-Smith pointed out that since President Biden took office, Senate Democrats voted almost in lockstep at least 22 times against policies designed to tighten border security, including votes:

  • Against preventing Biden’s Department of Homeland Security (DHS) from ending the use of Title 42  
  • Against implementing policies to prioritize taking into custody illegal immigrants charged with a crime that resulted in the death or serious bodily injury of another person.
  • Against withholding federal funding from sanctuary cities that refuse to cooperate with enforcing immigration laws.
  • Against funding border security and ensuring the enforcement of all immigration laws.
  • Against ensuring enforcement of the Trump administration’s “Remain in Mexico” policy.
  • Against shifting money to maintain Title 42 authority in order to address the crisis on the southern U.S. border.
  • Against prohibiting the hiring of new IRS agents via Democrats’ reckless taxing and spending spree until 18,000 new border patrol agents are hired.
  • Against providing $500 million for construction of fences and barriers along the southern border.
  • Against securing the border by adopting the House-passed Secure the Border Act of 2023 (HR.2).
  • Against prohibiting federal funding for sanctuary cities that refuse to notify the DHS when illegal immigrants in local custody are due to be released.
  • Against prohibiting granting legal status or citizenship to illegal immigrants who have assaulted law enforcement officers.
  • Against prohibiting granting legal status or citizenship to illegal immigrant who have committed burglary, theft, larceny, or shoplifting.

In contrast, Senate Republicans have introduced at least 100 bills to stop the Democrat border crisis.
