020322-RB6-827  National Prayer Breakfast
VIDEO:  Senator Hyde-Smith Delivers National Prayer Breakfast Closing Prayer.
PHOTO:  Senator Hyde-Smith Delivers National Prayer Breakfast Closing Prayer.

WASHINGTON, D.C. – U.S. Senator Cindy Hyde-Smith (R-Miss.) today delivered the closing prayer for the 70th National Prayer Breakfast, an annual faith-based event that brings national leaders, lawmakers, and others from around the nation to pray.

The following is the text of Hyde-Smith’s closing prayer:

Father, as we bring this service to a close, I want to thank You for the incredible privilege we have of humbling ourselves in Your presence.  I thank You for the opportunity of living in a Nation that You have so abundantly blessed.

As we go out, I pray that we continue to seek Your face in every aspect of our lives.  I pray for wisdom and discernment for each of us.  May we be ever so conscious of acknowledging You as our Creator, Redeemer, and Sustainer as we share Your gospel of grace.

Father, I lift up those of us who have been put in positions to lead this country.  Convict our hearts to right the wrongs and to be brave and steadfast against evil.

May Your will be done and the decisions made be pleasing unto You.  We ask these things in the almighty Name of Jesus.

